Who is Tony Dungy's wife? All you need to know about Lauren Harris

Irrespective of the controversies highlighting his new year, Tony Dungy is backed by stats in his successful NFL career, both as a coach and as a player. Just last year, Dungy was busy launching his new book with his wife, Lauren Harris. The couple have co-written books, which often revolve around their life learnings and even their relationship.

Last year, they published a book called Uncommon Influence: Saying Yes to a Purposeful Life. This followed their 2014 book, Uncommon Marriage. Throughout his various career choices and turns, Lauren has always been supportive.

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Just recently, Dungy tweeted about his and Lauren's plans for the 2023 March For Life in Washington DC. For years, the two have worked together, including personal and professional events. The couple has been together for years, and have also adopted children together.

“Many people think ‘Oh, I don’t influence anybody,’” Tony Dungy said in an interview “The reason why we wrote this book was to encourage people to know that they can have influence. They do have influence.”

They have even discussed raising their children together and shedding some light on the uncommon nature of their marriage.

Dungy, a Michigan native, is currently working as a sports analyst. While as a player, he was with the Pittsburgh Steelers, San Francisco 49ers, and the New York Giants.

How did Tony Dungy meet his wife Lauren Harris?

According to The Sun, Tony Dungy and his wife met at a local church in Pennsylvania. Interestingly, the meeting was set up by their local pastor.

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Having tied the knot in 1982, the couple have been married for over four decades and still going strong.

How many children does Tony Dungy's wife Lauren Harris have?

The couple have a total of 10 children together. Out of that, seven have been adopted. Apart from adopting children, the couple also fosters children, something which Lauren has admitted to like doing.

Eric, Tiara, and James are their biological children, while Jordan, Jade, Justin, Jason, Jalen, Jaden, and Jaela are the adopted ones.

Their eldest biological son, James, passed away after committing suicide in 2005, three days before Christmas.

What does Tony Dungy's wife do?

Apart from writing books, Lauren is a teacher by profession. Otherwise, she also focuses on their charity work, which includes the aforementioned event in Washington.

Image Credit: Tony Dungy's Twitter (@TonyDungy)

In an interview, Lauren also spoke about their Dungy Family Foundation, which supports crisis pregnancy centres:

"We are supportive of moms that have made the courageous decision to carry their baby and then place for adoption or seek help so they can raise their child. Our foundation will stand in the gap and help those moms in crisis".

She continued:

"We understand there are situations where they have to raise the baby and they don’t have the support of family or their spouse or partner".

Lauren also leads the Christian Sister’s Book Club. That being said, Dungy's net worth is estimated to be $10 million. It goes without saying that his NFL career has contributed to his wealth, along with his work as a coach and analyst.

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