Which is the best F1 car in GTA Online

It is no surprise to most GTA Online players that the best Formula 1 car in the entire game is the Benefactor BR8. This mind-blowing car was added to the game in the Los Santos Summer Special update in August 2020, and is still one of the fastest cars available.

Fans of driving in the game cannot hope for more in an F1 car than what the BR8 provides. Lucky players may have won one on the podium during its opening weeks, while others had to spend a few million dollars to buy it.

This article will discuss why the BR8 is the best F1 car in GTA Online.

GTA Online's fastes F1 car is undoubtedly the BR8

The Benefactor BR 8 is modeled after the open-wheel Red Bull RB7 F1 car, with elements drawn from the 2009 RB5 edition. It boasts of a breakneck top speed of over 197.5km/h and will outrun most other high-performance cars in the game.

The Legendary Motorsport description of the car reads:

The original race version of the BR8 was a complicated machine. Constructed from over four hundred separate controls, it required inhuman dexterity and a PhD in astrophysics just to start the engine. Benefactor have simplified this into a handful of brightly colored buttons and a colossal insurance premium. Killing yourself has never been so user-friendly.

The handling of the Benefactor BR8 F1 car is impeccable, something which is reflected in its high cost. The price tag of a brand new BR8 in GTA Online is $3,400,000.

While this might just sound like too much for some players, it is important to note that owning this vehicle will immediately skyrocket gamers into a new class of race driving in the game.

Once players master control of this astounding vehicle, they will see a return on their investment in all manner of races.

The BR8 comes with KERS, which is the boosting system for GTA cars in the HD universe. This feature allows drivers to effect a small boost, catapulting them to the head of the pack.

BR8 vs its competition

YouTuber Onespot Gaming tested out the BR8 against its fellow open-wheel competitors to discover that in all of the straight-up racing trials, the BR8 was the winner. It may have been let down by its stopping distance but it retains its number one sport due to handling.

Even when pitted against the fastest supercars in GTA Online, the BR8 will always be able to come out on top. Another YouTube video uploaded by CONE 11 shows ten of the fastest super cars in the game racing against the Benefactor F1 car.

In the video, only the Cyclone and Deveste Eight supercars can beat the BR8 by a fraction of a second. However, with an added boost, the BR8 puts these two competitors back in the rear-view mirror once again in GTA Online.

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