US Space Force's new official song is swiftly mocked

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They say this tune is less than stellar!

The US Space Force released an official song that critics say is light-years from being a hit — with illogical lyrics and a corny tone that rips off “Star Wars.” 

The military branch, created in 2019 to protect the US in the great beyond, unveiled the jaunty anthem titled “Semper Supra” — meaning “Always Above” in Latin — Tuesday.

“It’s not a banger,” the website deadpanned.

The song’s lyrics proclaim, “We’re the mighty watchful eye / Guardians beyond the blue / The invisible front line / Warfighters brave and true.”

“Boldly reaching into space / there’s no limit to our sky / Standing guard both night and day / We’re the Space Force from on high,” it triumphantly continues.

Critics have panned the US Space Force’s new official song, “Semper Supra.” Eric R. Dietrich/U.S. Air Force

But listeners quickly poked fun at the song for its confusing lyrics and overly bubbly tune, calling it a cosmically uncool “Star Wars” ripoff.

“Wtf is this? Might as well use the #StarWars theme song! What a joke! #spaceforce,” one observer tweeted.

Another critic called the song’s writer, Jamie Teachenor, a total space cadet.

“How can the new #SpaceForce be ‘standing guard both night and day’ when there is no night or day in outer space?” he wrote on Twitter.

Kevin Baron, the military executive editor of Defense One, slammed it as a grammatical black hole.

“Semper Supra,” Latin for “Always Above,” was mocked by critics for ripping off “Star Wars.” U.S. Air Force

“These lyrics are the verbal word salad version of a bad air force painting,” he wrote. “Grammatically, I’m dying to edit: You’re not the ‘invisible’ front line. CIA is… ‘Warfighter’ is NOT A WORD.”

Another observer tweeted, “Why did they go 1940s war music genre for a 21st-century space-aged agency? #SpaceForce.”

To write the tune, Sean Nelson, a US Coast Guard Band member, teamed up with Teachenor, a country music songwriter and former member of the US Air Force Band.

“I went for it and I did what I thought was going to be the most exciting kind of sounds,” Nelson said in a press release.

Teachenor added, “I wanted to make sure that everything that was in the song would adequately represent all the capabilities that our Space Force is involved with and make sure I didn’t mess up on the mission.”

Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, chief of space operations for the US Space Force. Tech. Sgt. Areca T. Wilson/U.S.

But some listeners said it was ripe for a spoof by comedian Steve Carell — who stars in the Netflix show “Space Force” about a goofy-but-similar agency.

“Did Steve Carell help write it or something?” the observer bashed.

This isn’t the first time the US Space Force has been at the center of a galactic embarrassment.

Last year, the military branch unveiled its new uniforms, which observers described as reminiscent of many space-bound sci-fi screen productions, such as “Star Trek,” “Battlestar Galactica” and “Star Wars.”

“Getting some Wrath of Khan flashbacks all of a sudden,” wrote military reporter Stephen Losey on Twitter at the time, pairing an image of William Shatner in the “Star Trek” sequel next to a Space Force Guardian in full dress.
