Terror Jr Bop To The Top With Grape New Release "9 2 5", and Explain More About Their New Song and U

Terror Jr,  aka Ms Three Strikes, is back and even better than before!

After releasing their glorious debut album, “Unfortunately, Terror Jr”, and the insanely catchy stand-alone song “Loved By You” at the beginning of this year, it got a bit quiet around the duo.

In a recent tweet, the band explained why: the band was preparing for their next step, locked themselves in a studio, went indie and are now their “purest” form.

And they come in tow with a new logo (“she’s a sensitive dragon, if you’re nice she will offer a lil fire to help you light your joint and if you’re not she will burn the skin off of your face“), a new EP and all that.


A first glimpse of what is to come can be enjoyed with their latest release, titled “9 2 5”. “Go to work, treat my body like a 9 to 5“, Lisa sings at the start of the song over a bass line created by their collaborator AOBeats. Filled with fun innuendos (“If you need to pray, then go to church // Altar’s right?between my skirt”, Lisa demands in the chorus), a boppy bass line and distorted vocals, the song itself is packed with everything that makes Terror Jr Terror Jr.

Talking about the track to us, the band explained that they “were inspired by AOBeats’ bassline, Georgia O’Keeffe paintings, the feeling you get when your crush acknowledges you, anger at the establishment, and a ripe peach.

Their latest release feels like a welcome return to the band’s origins on Bop City, mixed in with the experiences made throughout their following EPs and albums. Terror Jr have grown as artists and you can tell just by listening to this short new song, that they have taken full control over their new release. “9 2 5” showcases this growth: it is chill, it is groovy, it is upbeat and it is clearer than ever in its style.

In the band’s own words: “9 2 5 is like putting a cashmere pillow in between your legs after seeing someone you despise involuntarily paraded through town naked. It is fun.”

” 9 2 5″ serves as the lead single to the band’s upcoming 4 track- EP, titled “Come Outside and Break Your Heart”. “It’s pretty self-explanatory: trying to connect with the love of your life is nearly impossible and painful but totally worth the adventure”, the band tells us about the new release. “Most romantic relationships will end in heartbreak, and that risk is what makes love so alluring. But a relationship that ends will help you grow as a person, it will teach you the hard way, and it can be more impactful to your life than finding your soulmate. We wanted to give thanks and appreciation to the beauty of romance that ends badly.”

The EP will be independently released via their own label “Grape Music”. This decisions allows them to “put out music now whenever we want and it can be incredible or it can suck and that’s okay“.

We are sure that it will be most likely be incredible, though.

Listen to “9 2 5” now on the platform of your choice.

What do you think about Terror Jr’s latest track? Are you excited about the new EP? Tell us about it @CelebMix.
