Ranking Minecraft discs in order of rarity

In Minecraft players can find music discs located around the world. These discs can be inserted into a jukebox in the game to hear music.

Jukeboxes are the only way that players will be able to play music discs in Minecraft. These boxes are crafted using eight wooden planks and one diamond ore. Players can break these boxes using any tool, however an ax will break it the fastest.

There are 13 different music discs in Minecraft and each one can only be found in specific areas. Most of them can be found inside Minecraft dungeons.

These discs can only be played once before requiring prompt ejection and reinsertion. In Minecraft, all of these discs will emit different tunes when being inserted inside the jukebox.

In this article, players will learn about all 13 music discs. These are ranked in order from best to worst!

Music Discs in Minecraft: Ranked from best to worst

#1 - Wait

Wait Disc (Image via Communauté Minecraft FR on Youtube)

The wait disc is an "upbeat" remix of Minecraft with an exciting and cheerful tone. It starts out with a soft quiet percussion, and slowly progresses to a chiptune tone. T

The Wait disc was originally named "Where are we now."

#2 - Cat

Cat disc (Image via Minecraft)

The Cat disc is one of the most popular ones in Minecraft. This disc is a "light, looping melody that plays off a soft synth." The beat will later be combined with a synth percussion beat.

This piece would be a great choice for background music.

#3 - Strad

Strad disc (Image via AgentMindStorm on Youtube)

Strad is a tropical sounding piece with the main melody being played on a steelpan. Players will hear a combination of strings, woodwinds, and soft synths along with an electronic tribal beat.

#4 - Far

Far disc (Image via Minecraft)

Far is more of a calm and relaxing melody for players to have on while in their Minecraft world. Users will hear a soothing nature-like melody, along with echoes of the music.

#5 - Pigstep

Pigstep disc (Image via Conduit on Youtube)

Pigstep is more of a hip-hop style beat. For players who love Hip-Hop and R&B, this is the right disc. Pigstep is a somewhat intense hip hop beat, however, it also has more mellow parts further in the melody.

#6 - Blocks

Blocks Disc (Image via AgentMindStorm on Youtube)

The Blocks disc is for players who want an upbeat, catchy melody playing in the background.

Blocks is a fast-paced, cheerful tune that will keep players pumped with enthusiasm. This disc has a shuffling rhythm within it, so it'll get the user dancing.

#7 - Stal

Stal disc (Image via Luna Jay Mk. 2 on Youtube)

Stal is a music disc that is for all the jazz lovers in the Minecraft community. This one has a "jazz-like" melody that is played using a piano, saxophone, bass and recorder.

This is a soothing tune which is ideal for players who just want to relax.

#8 - Chirp

Chirp disc (Image via AgentMindStorm on Youtube)

Chirp is a retro tune with a sample from the 1970 "Mattel Bossa Nova Style Program Disc" playing in the background.

Players may also hear a little spin-off of the "Mall" disc included in this tune.

9) Mall

Mall disc (Image via AgentMindStorm on Youtube)

The Mall disc is a serene tune played on a kalimba along with a combination of other instruments.

This one is a little more vibrant than the others, and would be nice background music to have on while building and completing tasks.

#10 - Mellohi

Mellohi disc (Image via Kodaichi on Youtube)

Mellohi is more of a slow and classical style of music. This tune isn't fast-paced or upbeat, instead it is slower and more relaxing.

If players are just looking for a time to relax in their Minecraft world, this disc would be ideal for that.

#11 - Ward

Ward disc (Image via Mr. Memes on Youtube)

Ward starts off as a sad and slow tune played on a synth organ, but later switches to a fast and upbeat electronic tune.

The change in this disc is very different and unexpected because it starts off slowly and is a little sad, but then randomly switches over to a fast-paced dance beat.

#12 - Eleven

Eleven disc (Image via Minecraft Forum)

This disc begins with vinyl static, followed by the sounds of someone walking on or breaking stone blocks. Players will hear heavy breathing and haunting sounds in the background.

This one is more of a spooky or creepy melody. There will be certain notes in this tune that are similar to how the inside of a cave sounds in the game.

13) Thirteen

Thirteen disc (Image via Colesh7Gaming on youtube)

This disc is a cave themed tune that is similar to eleven. Players will hear the sounds of quiet winds combined with those of explosions and echoed splashes.

This piece is a combination of different Minecraft sounds compressed in one tune.

Also Read: Top 5 ways to avoid fall damage in Minecraft

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