New Horizons- A complete guide to the star fragment island

The Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0 update reintroduced a ton of fan-favorite parts of the iconic franchise. Brewster and the Roost headlined the update, but Katrina, Tortimer, Lottie, and Kapp'n all made their returns to the franchise, as well.

One of the additions from the 2.0 update that players have been using the most is Kapp'n's boat tours. Kapp'n can take any Animal Crossing player on a boat tour for 1,000 Nook Miles once per day.

Naturally, Kapp'n's islands are random, but some islands are better than others. One of the best islands that players can visit is the Star Fragment Island. Here's everything players need to know about it in New Horizons.

Kapp'n's Star Fragment Island: A complete Animal Crossing: New Horizons guide

One thing to note is that Katrina can have a significant role in an Animal Crossing player's ability to get to the star fragment island. Having her give players their luck at the beginning of the day can result in good luck with belongings. If so, players have a much higher chance to visit the island, as well as other benefits.

Otherwise, there's a 3.14% chance of going to this island, so it is quite rare. Additionally, players have to be past June 15 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 15 in the Southern Hemisphere to find it.

On this island, there is an 80% chance of experiencing a meteor shower. This is up from 50% on a normal Animal Crossing island and they can occur from 7 pm to 4 am (the island starts players at midnight).

Meteor showers are much rarer on regular islands (Image via Animal Crossing World)

The island contains two rocks that can drop star fragments when it is hit with a shovel. This is an extremely rare find, so being able to do it twice on one island is a great feature.

The rocks have a 14% chance of dropping a regular star fragment as well as 2% chance of dropping a large star fragment. All the other star fragments (named after Zodiac signs) are at a 7% chance. Players can usually find up to 20-star fragments on the island in total.

The island can also spawn message bottles with rare DIY recipes. It always has either a Celeste DIY recipe or a Zodiac DIY recipe, so they are very useful to find on the island while players are there.

Wishing upon a star during the meteor shower will dramatically increase the chances of finding star fragments on the home island. These will spawn the next day for Animal Crossing players.

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