Katherine Heigl on Mormonism: I listened to my parents, I respected the rules


LOOK AT THE PUPPY. Aw. The puppy has sort of a “FML” face, which I attribute to being a stunt dog assigned the unenviable task of trying to make Katherine Heigl seem likeable. Good Housekeeping also used Katherine’s two daughters in their photoshoot too, because Heigl really is THAT unlikeable and the only way anyone can tolerate her is if we get to see photos of adorable children and puppies. Anyway, Katherine is still shilling her new TV series, which I guess is premiering this fall. So, obviously, she spent the whole interview talking about how much she loved taking a step back from working full time and being in LA… now that she’s back in LA, working full time. You can read the full piece here and here are some highlights:

Adopting her daughter from South Korea after growing up with an adopted sister: “My family had its own unique look. And I wanted the one I began with my husband to have the same look, in a way.”

Naleigh’s adoption happened faster than expected & Katherine was working a lot: “I would come home angry and frustrated that I’d missed everything with my kid that day. I didn’t get to wake her up from her nap, or do bath time or bedtime. I’d have to sneak into her room and kiss her when she was sleeping, hoping not to wake her up.”

Messed up priorities: “I felt like my priorities were messed up. I was putting so much time and energy into just my work, but I was raised [to believe] that family comes first.” Shortly after returning to Grey’s, she took a family leave and spent a couple of “glorious” months at home, caring for her daughter. It confirmed her growing sense that she’d have to cut ties with the show, and soon afterward, in 2010, she did.

Moving to Utah (except she’s moved back to LA now): “We had big dreams of expanding our family, moving to the mountains and having a quieter life. Utah is spectacularly beautiful, the people are wonderful and kind, it’s an easy commute from L.A. — and there’s no traffic!”

She was raised Mormon but she’s not anymore: “That structure and discipline was really good for me. I had a childhood that was a childhood. I listened to my parents. I respected the rules.”

Adopting Adalaide: “We brought her home, and right away Naleigh was like a little mommy. She’d say, ‘No, no. You’re not holding her right.’ Or, ‘She needs to eat again.’ I’d be like, ‘Would you back off? Just give me a minute!’ “

[From Good Housekeeping]

The part about “messed up priorities” – I included some of Good Housekeeping’s filler because I found that interesting. I guess that’s Katherine’s story now? She quit Grey’s Anatomy because she wanted to spend more time with her family? And it had nothing to do with bad-mouthing nearly everyone on the show, burning so many career bridges and wanting to move on to films? Rii-ight. It’s worth noting that Katherine didn’t immediately pick up and move to Utah, post-Grey’s. She spent years working back-to-back on crappy movies and it was only after she burned many more bridges that she suddenly decided to “focus on her family” and move to Utah. And now Katherine is back in LA, working full time. All of which is her right and yes, she has to support her family and props to her for bringing home the bacon, etc. Just don’t sell me some touchy-feely revisionist history about why you left certain jobs and why you “left Hollywood” (for, like, a year).



Photos courtesy of Good Housekeeping.
