Is Jessica Chastain actually dating her Zero Dark Thirty costar Jason Clarke?

Ever since I saw Zero Dark Thirty over the weekend, I’ve been spending time doing “research” on the Australian actor Jason Clarke. Clarke has a fairly substantial role in ZDT – at first he’s Jessica Chastain’s CIA training officer in Afghanistan, I think, and then his character goes to Washington and he and Chastain have more of a relationship of professional equals. They are not playing love interests. They do not have scenes together where you’re like “Oh, they have chemistry.” It’s not that kind of movie. At one point, Chastain’s character sits quietly on a chair as she watches Clarke’s character waterboard a terrorist financier. This is not a rom-com. But I digress – what I was trying to say was that I came out of ZDT way more impressed with Jason Clarke, and I’ve been trying to find out more about him ever since. I still can’t find out if he’s married – I don’t think he is…?

And now rumors are starting up that Jason Clarke and Jessica Chastain are a thing. Yesterday, LaineyGossip posted some pics of Chastain with a “mystery man” on NYE, and asked if the dude looked like Tom Hiddleston – yesterday, the Mail was trying to make Hiddleston and Chastain happen, which we discussed. You can see the NYE photos here – it does look like Jason Clarke from behind, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Chastain and Clarke were a thing. Clarke and Chastain actually worked together on another film this year too – they did Lawless together, although Jessica seemed to have a lot of chemistry with Tom Hardy on that one, not Jason.

So… if Jason and Jessica are happening, I guess I would be fine with it. He’s like a really sexy enigma to me at this point because I really don’t know anything about him other than 1) he’s an Aussie who can do great American accents, 2) he’s really tall, 3) his eyes are crazy/beautiful/scary/piercing/amazing. And that’s it. That’s all I know! And yes, I would hit it. There’s this one scene in ZDT where Maya (Chastain’s character), who is in Afghanistan, calls Jason’s character in Washington. He’s been waiting for her call, and he stands on an outdoor patio at Langley – he’s wearing dress slacks and a crisp white shirt, he’s shaved and groomed and nearly the whole scene is shot in profile. I was like, “OMG, THIS IS MY NEW CRUSH.”

Photos courtesy of WENN.
