Duchess Meghan wrote affirmations on bananas for Bristol sex workers

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visit Bristol

Very few royal people actually take on “controversial” work, work that would involve sex crimes, harassment, social justice, racial inequality or (gasp) prostitution. The Duchess of Cornwall is one of the few royal figures who is really involved in some of the more “touchy” subjects like rape treatment. Enter the Duchess of Sussex – last Friday, Meghan and Harry visited One25, a Bristol charity which offers support and resources for prostitutes and homeless women. When Meghan learned about the care packages being given to these women, she decided to write messages of hope on the bananas:

While visiting Bristol’s One25 — a charity that provides support and resources for women who feel trapped in street sex work, addiction, homelessness and other issues — the Duchess of Sussex had the idea of sharing messages with the women. Instead of writing the notes on paper, she decided to write them on bananas. While helping volunteers put together care packages with food, Meghan took inspiration from a school cafeteria worker in the U.S. who wrote motivational messages to children.

“I saw this project this woman had started somewhere in the States on a school lunch program,” Meghan told reporters. “On each of the bananas she wrote an affirmation, to make the kids feel really, like, empowered. It was the most incredible idea – this small gesture.” She grabbed a marker, and said, “I am in charge of the banana messaging,” and began to write words of encouragement on the bananas. Some of the messages included, “You are special,” “You are strong,” “You are brave” and “You are loved.” With each one, she drew a small heart.

“That really touched me — and I’m not even a royalist,” One25 CEO Anna Smith told reporters. “She had clearly listened and heard what we are all about — that we don’t judge, we simply offer the service and unconditional love. She totally got it.”

The food will be delivered directly to women by One 25’s “Yellow Van,” which supports around 150 women living on Bristol’s streets. The truck stocks food, blankets, first aid, safety alarms, condoms and a safe space to talk. The charity is hoping that the royal visit will help raise more awareness and funding to further help the women of Bristol.

[From CBS News]

It’s a small thing, but it speaks to Meghan’s positivity, and her ability to brush up against more controversial subjects. Keep in mind, she hasn’t even been a duchess for a full year. Give her two years, and she’ll be an even stronger activist on more controversial subjects. Anyway, because everything is awful, the British papers got a prostitute on the record about what SHE thought of Meghan’s message. The sex worker was not impressed – she called the banana messages “really stupid” and said “People out here struggle to eat and sleep and she gifts us some words on a piece of fruit. She has the means to help us more than that. It’s offensive, you know.” She’s entitled to her opinion, of course, but it’s gross to see every single British outlet pick up her comments. Meghan can’t even breathe without everyone running to the papers to insult her.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red, Kensington Palace.
